SOB XS Pheromone Spray for Men (30ml) is one of the most daring, innovative, and unique products offered by PheromoneXS. The brand claims that this spray will attract women by heightening your “bad guy” vibe.
In this Updated January 2024 SOB XS Pheromone Spray review, you’ll get a thorough, in-depth look at this product. By analyzing scientific evidence and real consumer results, we’ll determine if these claims hold up.
How Does SOB XS Pheromone Spray for Men Work?
You likely already have a basic understanding of how pheromones work, but here’s a quick refresher:
- Pheromones are natural chemicals that we produce and release.
- They are proven to have effects on others mood, sexual attraction, behavior, and/or physiology.
- Pheromone products use synthetic chemicals that replicate these effects.
- People often use them to increase their overall attractiveness.
SOB XS Pheromone Spray for Men takes advantage of this basic concept. While many products use pheromones to help you in social or professional situations, the ones present in this spray are specifically meant to increase your sex appeal.
As implied in the name, the spray will give you an SOB appeal. At first, you might find yourself wondering why anyone would want to be perceived as an SOB. The answer, however, is actually pretty simple.
We’ve all heard it before – nice guys finish last. But why is that? Some say the reason is that many women want a guy who will take her on an emotionally-charged roller-coaster. Some women are willing to put up with poor relationship behavior in exchange for this experience.
So do you have to act like an SOB to get dates? Not when you use SOB XS Pheromone Spray. The ingredients in this product replicate the emotions a woman feels when she’s with a real SOB.
With this spray, you’ll experience an increased sex appeal without having to become a jerk. This is also beneficial because even when those real SOB’s get dates, their relationships often suffer. You can still be yourself while increasing your chances of attracting attention.
Ingredient List: What’s in a Bottle of SOB XS Pheromone Spray?
The SOB XS pheromones achieve their effects by using the following ingredients:
- Androstenone. This pheromone is sexual in nature but also associated with dominance, aggression, and anger. In this blend, Androstenone will make you more sexually confident.
- Allo-THDOC. Exposure to these pheromones tends to put one in a relaxed state.
- Copulins. Copulins are proven to increase overall sexual desire.
- Beta-Androstenol. A more social pheromone, Beta-Androstenol can lead to deep and meaningful conversations. This will establish closer connections and a sense of trust with potential partners.
By itself, this spray has a very strong odor. PheromoneXS offers the following cover scents with your purchase:
- Acqua Di Gio
- Spice Bomb
- Le Male
- Fresh Musk
- Sultans Oud
- Cool Water
- Aventus
- Pepper Nutmeg
How to Use SOB XS Pheromone Spray for Men
As previously mentioned, this product is quite pungent, meaning you only need to apply 1 spritz each use. This might not seem like enough, but keep in mind that this product is highly concentrated.
1 spritz should last you around 8-10 hours, depending on a number of factors (how much you sweat, body chemistry, etc.). Start off conservatively to test it out, and adjust your applications as needed.
Simply apply it to your wrists, neck, behind your ears, or anywhere you normally apply cologne to. After you use it a few times, you’ll find your “sweet spot” and figure out where to apply the spray to see the best results.
This product can be applied to clothes and will actually last longer on fabric. However, you might need more sprays to get the same results. This is because pheromones rely on body heat to effectively spread through the air.
What to Expect When Using SOB XS Pheromones
Tests of this product have revealed that the company’s claims are accurate. When you apply the spray as directed and use a cover scent, you will find yourself getting significantly more attention from women.
The success of this product all goes back to the whole “bad boy gets the girl” saying. The pheromones present will give women a similar emotional thrill ride that an SOB would. You will be perceived as unpredictable, daring, and exclusive.
In addition to influencing those around you, the pheromones will also have effects on the wearer. You’ll feel more confident and have an easier time receiving the attention you are getting.
One downside to all of the attention this product brings is that it will attract a variety of women. It can attract anyone of any age, but it is notable for pulling in women 30-40 years old. For the most part, you should be fine with attracting women you are actually interested in.
However, this product might charm women who want actual “bad boys.” They might come to you looking for the drama that a real SOB would give her. This can lead to an unhealthy relationship based on false expectations from both sides.
This product might also attract women who are just looking for a fling. If that’s what you are also seeking, then this spray is the one for you. Don’t use this product to look for a serious relationship; the SOB XS pheromones are not the best for establishing earnest connections.
If you are particularly timid or shy, this might not be the pheromone spray for you. It works best on those who can at least somewhat comfortably talk to women.
You need to be “in the zone.” Remember that the spray is working its magic, and you have to present yourself as such on the outside. The product molds and enhances your behavior rather than completely transforming it.
Comparing SOB XS Pheromone Spray for Men to the Competition
With this spray, you will almost definitely see results. It is much more concentrated than other similar products, making it very strong. It is a sexual product meant for use at clubs or parties, meaning you should avoid wearing it to work.
Over other products, you might also want to consider this spray because of its 45-day money back guarantee and free U.S. shipping.
How Much Does SOB XS Pheromone Spray for Men Cost?
Compared to other products, SOB XS Pheromone Spray is moderately priced. You can purchase it from PheromoneXS for $113.91.
When the product goes on sale, the price can get as low as $69.97. The 30 mL will last you a while, and when considering the effects it delivers, the bottle is well worth the price.
Pros and Cons:
- Only need one spray per application
- Lasts about 8-10 hours
- SOB XS pheromones is proven to attract women and increase your sex appeal
- Increases your confidence
- Great for nighttime use
- Not too expensive
- Bottle will last a while
- Safe ingredients
- Not as successful for shy and timid men
- Results might be overwhelming for those not use to pheromones
- Too strong for daytime use
SOB XS Pheromone Spray For Men Review Conclusion:
SOB XS Pheromone Spray isn’t going to magically land you a date, but it will definitely increase your chances of getting noticed. Pheromone XS is an established maker of quality pheromone products. I recommend buying SOB XS if you’re looking for a solid product for a reasonable price. Especially considering they have a money-back guarantee, it is a product worth trying.
During my research on this product I found many SOB XS Pheromone Spray For Men Reviews were poorly written and lacked details. Therefore, I wrote this comprehensive in-depth review for my readers. I hope it was useful.